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Customer-Centric Marketing: Why Understanding Your Consumer is Essential for Success

Friday, June 26, 2020
1:00 - 1:30 PM  EST
via ZOOM

Consumers do not have the time to find you and you have a limited budget to find them. Plus how do you make certain that a potential consumer's first encounter with your brand is successful whether online, at shelf, or otherwise? Join Annette in this session where she will cover the best practices critical for new and existing Food & Beverage brands to gain and maintain relevance in today's marketplace. By the end of the session, you will clearly understand customer-centric marketing and why it's important; learn through gold standard examples and practices; and be able to assess whether your brand is currently customer-centric and what to do about it. Annette is a Partner at Compass Marketing Innovation, a Boston-based strategic marketing agency focused on uncovering, evaluating, and developing new growth opportunities in consumer products.